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I have had a very bad experience with microwaves - Mika and Samsung

    Cooking Collective

    I've had a very bad experience with microwaves 
    ...I started with Mika ikablow,,, nikaambiwa it was a cheap brand,,,so I bought Samsung Very expensive ,,,,,ikachoma element,,took for repair ikanicost 4k,,,after a few months imechoma Tena,,,,(diff houses so it can't be electric faults)
    I'm so disappointed,,my mom has had hers for over ten years ,,
    I'm looking for a brand that will serve me ..where can I get those ex uk brands tondu wueh,,,,
    I'm based along Kamiti road

    ~ via Anonymous member. 


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      • Dennis

        Always read the user manual that comes with the microwave. The major cause of electrical equipment fault is bad usage  or electrical fault. Samsung and LG are good brands, it is likely that you are not using them properly. For instance, do not use utensils inside a micro wave.